However, it is worth mentioning some reasons for a site does not receive many visits and how to get more website visitors:
The site has just been placed in the air - such as the Internet suffers from a huge amount of spam and no quality sites, new sites suffer from mistrust. It takes a while for this trust is built and the site can rank well. One way to speed up this time is in good working relationships, getting links from sites that are reliable.
The site is not calling attention - in this case, attention means links. For seekers, a page that receives many links a page is interesting, therefore, simply having a great content is not enough, that content needs to receive links. SEO / SEM, a technique known as Link Building is the answer. Get the most links to your site.
The search engines can not access the site - a reason for this may be a wrong rule in robots.txt, for example, and search engines may become blocked. Also, session IDs or cookies may be preventing access to search engines if they are required to gain access to the site. Identified these problems, also learn about accessibility and usability to get more visitors through the site organization.
Duplicate Content - is one of the worst reasons to get a site off the SERPs (search engine results pages). If the webmaster's own allowing it duplicate content on the site, just use the Redirect to 301 copies of a single page. If other sites are copying your content, please contact us. To identify duplicate content, choose a long sentence that is unique on your page and do a search on google for that phrase in quotes, eg "To identify duplicate content, choose a phrase that is unique on your page and do a search on google for that phrase in quotes "- there is no page with this statement, except mine. Try more than one sentence to be sure.
Using black hat techniques - if you actually used black hat techniques, it only remains to identify and correct these faults as soon as possible. If you are unsure if you received a penalty for using black hat techniques, do a search on google for a long sentence in some important page of your site, preferably a long title. If you do not rank well, you were punished.
Not using basic SEO techniques - here's a major reason. Your content is great, you get links, you do not use black hat techniques, but also does not use techniques gray hat, white hat and much less is lost to sites that are optimized. Time to find a site to learn about SEO Search engine optimization or search for an SEO company to do the job for you.
Misuse of keywords - it is possible that the reason you do not receive many visitors is that you're working the wrong keywords. For example, I want to sell jewelry, but do keyword pages upon female beauty accessories. A crude example, it is true, but it serves. It's time to review the keywords that people use to get the service / product on your site and work on them. Tools like Google Analytics and other tools of google to search for keywords can help. Discover the right keywords and use them.
Some basic errors are made at times and prevent an increase visits to site and prevent it improves its performance. In the field of website optimization, optimizations have basic make all the difference, advanced SEO and SEM provide increased site visits.
Who can contribute more tips to increase visits to a site, send a comment!
If you have been lost in some of the terms used in this post, see the glossary of SEO and SEM SEO Master.
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