Can I make money on the internet without website?

Can I make money on the internet without having website?

The short answer to the question is "yes", you can earn money online without investing any money and without site.
I never delved much here these business models, mainly because they put them into practice consistently, and usually I prefer not to dwell too much on business models that do not know, but I can give some business models in which this is possible:

Free Blogs - This is perhaps the easiest way to earn money online without investing money, although in this case we always have a website. Blogger Blogs and the Frog (for content addressed to the Portuguese market) are two of the best options for this type of business. I've explained here in more than one occasion because I hate blogs for free, but the reality is that it has some potential, and without this you need to make any kind of investment.

HubPages - This is another example of how you can make money online without investing money (and without site). I think that a person making a search for "keywords" appropriate and just write hubs for 3 days (about 6 hours of work), would reach a height that would have a very reasonable monthly income. I have about 100 articles published in HubPages and get it every month more than the national minimum wage in a totally passive.
A "problem" with Hubpages is that it is limited to people who can write in English and the other "but" is that our success is (very) dependent on the perception that Google has the HubPages.

Even though it is possible to obtain income from Hubpages without any investment, I managed to significantly increase my income from this source when I started using My Article Network to link building for HubPages.
The Squidoo is another platform much like the HubPages but where I honestly could never achieve the same degree of success.

YouTube - Another way to make money with no website and no money is invested with YouTube. We are talking about one of the most visited sites in the world, and that beyond all the "internal traffic", almost always appears on the first page of Google for any search. The method here can even be quite simple: make videos or tutorials with reviews of products and services and then include the affiliate link for the product in the video description.

This business model (with some variants) is widely exploited in the English market, but for languages ​​like Portuguese, Spanish and Italian, practically there is no competition. This short video with a review of Aweber and about 15 000 views (in 5 months) is a good example of this type of business.
Again, no website and no money (can use free software for making screencasts of Jing), the reviews can make dozens of products and put the videos on Youtube.

Do not have money to buy the products you say? Send an email to request a free copy, temporary license, or simply buy the product and then ask for a refund after making its review. As the Americans say, sometimes a little imagination goes "a long way."
If I had a little more time in this business who would mess I was.

The reality of trying to make money on the internet without having website ...

I just give you three quick examples of how to make money on the internet without having website and / or no money. It is therefore indeed possible to earn money online without website. The problem is not that.
The true reality is that between "possibility" and "probability" will a big difference. One thing can be possible and be both unlikely. What usually happens is that, who asks the question "if you can make money online without a website?", Are the most inexperienced (if they were not I might not need to ask the question), and for these people, who are just beginning, start a successful business models I have listed (except with the free blogs) is very difficult.

Start earning money online is a bit like taking an intensive course in which only the "get to work" is that one can acquire knowledge and ideas about what works and what does not work, and it varies from person to person. A bit the same way as a football field not all games in the same position.
The great advantage is that this intensive course is the cheapest course you will ever take power. They start with a "fee" of € 6 to register a domain and then a "bribe" other monthly € 6 per month for accommodation. With these low values, less than two packs of cigarettes or a dozen cafes, can launch into the online business world.

Although online success is not guaranteed, has a probability of success higher than almost all other activities, with only one thousandth of risk. The only people who will not certainly never succeed online are those who try ...

When it began investing money online?

To close, and coming back a little in this initial post, I'd like to know how to get started online. It was made for free or an investment? Apart from Ebay, I started with an online store where at that time paid about $ 39 per month!

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