Dr House Season 8: my prison will crack

The doctor you love to hate is back, and Dr. House has found a new playground for the season 8, our little finger tells us that the head honcho of the differential diagnosis has not finished to atone all these sins.And let's face it, we never like House as much as when the hole. Happiness is not quite overrated?

Prison Health
Twelve months have passed since the House has Cuddy sprayed the room with his car. Overtaken by justice, he has served his time behind bars and he has only five days to shoot. Five days during which he will behave in a copy. Warned of his imminent return to civilization and the conditions on which it rests, his fellow prisoners the opportunity to blackmail him and retrieve the few possessions he has left. In an awkward position, House is forced to sell her few tablets of Vicodin at a local dealer.
At the same time one of his companions in misfortune has all the symptoms of lupus. Just found an excuse to resume the service and House interferes in the prison infirmary. He made the acquaintance of Dr. Adams and gratifies it a lesson in which he diagnosed the secret.
In each episode's trouble is enough
Early in the season 6, House was a brief stint in a psychiatric hospital. The opportunity for the Doc to give us a very nice first season shifted, introspective and sensitive. Then came season 7, more classical, and above all focused on the relation House / Cuddy, but the second half was marked by great advances in scriptwriting. As the episode 16, Out of the fall, especially for his last movie, lecture, where the doctor at the end of the line flows from the balcony of his hotel room. An impeccable production, the sound of My Body Is A Cage performed by Johnny Cash. Another poignant moment of this season rather planplan, Episode 22, After Hours, in which the House itself operates the leg to remove the tumors.
Scenes of horrible and the intensity of which depends entirely on the shoulders of a Hugh Laurie pushed to its limits. In short, once it comes out of the box, the series can sometimes be brilliant and we reward a few flashes. The only catch: to deserve those few minutes of happiness, we must go through a whole bunch of episodes Curly, an ordinary succession of medical investigations which mechanics is so rehearsed that it becomes unpalatable after 7 seasons.
Blow up
As mentioned in the introduction, the character of House is always more interesting when it is skinned alive. Yes, it's ugly, but it is a fact, the House fills us deeply happy. Because it is not him. The misanthropic doctor comes with a self-destruct button.
And, even with the beautiful coos Cuddy, it does not support long this state of joy and did all shattered.The Vicodin is a refuge, a raft of the Medusa when he feels harpooned. So yes, see interned in a psychiatric hospital or within the four walls of a prison cell, it is always the sign of a promising episode.Although below the level of the version Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest, the first season in solitary confinement is a success in some areas. A new design, first, that changes us from Princeton Plainsboro, necessarily sanitized, which we know too corridors and rooms op '. And who says prison, said danger.
CSI sauce Medical
House is not the only one to have power of life and death over him. The balance of his relationships with others is disturbed, he must watch his back and develops a survival instinct hitherto unpublished. See him rise to extort money or beating necessarily empathy in the viewer, where before, his commitment to reach the bottom we began to slip him the urge to paste one.
Another good point, it is not an ounce of a Wilson or a Cuddy, let alone a Chase, Taub and others of a tenure which has been around. Honestly, during the previous season, who cared for Taub marital problems? There is little that Thirteen who pulled out of the game, with a sporadic presence and his road trip with House in episode 18 of season 7. But let's not be too fast, it will re-surface and quickly resume hosto rights to the series.After 8 seasons, House has long lost its appeal.
And, unless you love the genre CSI sauce Medical (we judge no one here), it must be admitted that the mastery of Hugh Laurie is not enough to rekindle the flame. This means if you do not give much of that season 8! The only light at the end of the tunnel, made ​​a few episodes and / or written brilliantly, unfortunately issued dropper and make us from time to time to detour the House next door, just to see what's cooking.

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